- Kills 99,9% of bacteria in 60 sec.
- Kills 99,99% of viruses
- Kills mould & mildew
- No rinse food-contact surface sanitizer, on hard non-porous inanimate surfaces
- This product is effective against Adenovirus Type 5 and is expected to inactivate SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19)
- 22 mL per 4 litres for disinfection (1:180) / 8 mL per 4 litre of water (1:500) for sanitization
- pH neutral
- Excellent for use in restaurants, dairies, food processing plants and bars
- Effective against Influenza A2/Japan virus and is expected to inactivate all lnfluenza A viruses including 2009 (HIN1) pandemic Influenza A virus.
- Exhibits effective virucidal activity against HIV-1 (see special instructions)
- Effective sanitizer against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi
- Fragrance Free
- Suitable for use in food plants in Canada
- Health Canada DIN 02248470
- Code : SANI
Retail price
Price per caisses
Price per Skids
Price per Truck Loads truck size we carry
Is 20′ 40′ 53′ foots container